Monday, June 29, 2009

about BTN....

All the student who want to pursue their study in overseas must go for the BTN (biro Tata Negara)….this BTN is just for a week…erm actually the BTN is quite same with PLKN….hehehehe so funny because I’m one the student who already entered the PLKN…of courts I really hate PLKN because actually I want to spent my time with my parents!!! Unfortunately I have to go for National Service… about one week I’m crying at PLKN Indera Pahlawan, Maran…Heheheheh!!! It sound so funny…lastly I felt happy because I had lots of friends from others region and race. There are lots of activities and some of them I really enjoy. About three months I stayed there and of course we have to march all the time…wow that sounds so stress but I already done all such that things… until now I’m still contact with my lovely teacher over there, who is Miss Raihan…I really love her because she always give me a full spirit and support for me….

Erm for the next week all the JPA’s students go for their BTN!!!!! But I really weird and scared because Miss siti Fatahiyah, does not tell us the Yayasan Pahang the date for our BTN!!!! It sound so disappointed because we are just six people who got Yayasan Pahang scholar and we have to go separately for the BTN…. Exactly there is no class for the next week because the majority from my class is JPA’s scholars…see!!!!!!! So how about us?????? Sadly situation, if there is the BTN for we, Yayasan Pahang scholars, of course there is class because we are the minority in that class…so that sound is not fair!!!! How about our quiz and exam? It too difficult if we must to postpone on the others day….
So for this time I must be calm and must be prepared of the entire situation that might happen.

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